Free E book update

*Free E book update* Due to the fact that I’m have my books available through barns and noble also, amazon will not allow me to give my books away for free. Sorry folks! I didn’t want to leave my nook user’s out but is on some Monopoly stuff. That’s how the game is played right now, so I had to sacrifice for you, i hope you appreciate it. DM Ink Publishing

Do You

Good morning, Focus on being yourself, God gave us a unique life, so be the best that YOU can be! Don’t worry about trying to out do or copy others because it’ll show that your not happy or confident in the purpose God gave you. I was once told that what God has for you is for you, & nobody can do you better than you can. So run YOUR lane, master YOUR niche, fufil YOUR purpose & maximize YOUR potential. That way you won’t be distracted or made to feel insecure by other people’s success or accomplishments! You’ll be more content living your own life, there’s enough happiness to go around for everyone! Simply, Do you!  🙂 DM Ink Publishing